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Monsters Bar-Mitzvah

On Thursday's Tochnit Erev (evening program), monsters crashed the previously planned bar-mitzvah party. Although the bar-mitzvah boy and his family were at first scared and reluctant to accept the new guests, chanichim decided to give them a chance and get to know them.

They went through some experiences together where different monsters taught various monster skills and shared some monster stories. Chanichim learned the monster mash dance, prepared new bar-mitzvah food for the "monsters' buffet", created monster mazal tov cards, played bar-mitzvah games and took photos with monsters at the bar-mitzvah photo booth (see below). Working together to enhance the celebration meant monsters and humans got to know and accept each other. The night ended with a big monster-dance, and with the bar-mitzvah boy announcing that all guests are welcome to stay and celebrate.


Unknown said…
Love to see all those smiling faces!