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Shabbat Blogging

Every Erev Shabbat chanichim (campers) reflect on their week and prepare to greet Shabbat, They split into groups, each one taking responsibility for a different task. This week, Bogrim 1 (half of our 10th graders) took responsibility for the blog, reflecting and writing about their week.

Sayalim and Bogrim Buddies
As Bogrim, we are the oldest chanichim  at camp, which comes with responsibility and serving as “dugma” or “leading by example” for the younger kids. Today we got to meet with our Sayalim buddies, the youngest kvutza (age group) at camp. Our counselors gave us animals to act like, which our Sayalim buddies were told to find. Once we got together, after a little introducing and bonding, we drank a magical potion that turned us all into fish. With our buddies, we played under-the-sea games like “barnacle tag” and a sing-off about the sea. Through these activities we had the opportunity to exhibit a leadership role and got a taste of if being counselors. Next week, we will get to meet up with our Sayalim buddies again, and we can’t wait!

-       -  Talia Goldberg

Chug Artsy Fartsy
One of my favorite parts of the day here at camp is when we divide up for chugim (electives). This year I am part of the Artsy Fartsy chug, in which we get to explore our creative sides, relax and hang out with friends. Not only can this time be used as an outlet, but it is also a time in which we create things that will allow us to remember our cherished experiences. For instance, yesterday we each made our own decorative journal covers - a journal in which we could keep all our memories intact. I am excited to continue on my journey in Chug Artsy fartsy and see what else we can create.

- Sara Stolzenberg-Myers

Fast Fashion Tochnit Erev
We had a tochnit erev (evening program) about fast fashion. The plot was that the director needed people to work in his new movie, so we all became models, singers, dancers, etc. We split into these groups and “took lessons” in Hollywood movie industry to practice for our auditions. There was a yoga station and a make-up artist station to make us look glamorous (with glitter and glue). We also learned how to take a perfect selfie and lip sync like Beyonce. We also learned how to dance (by playing the professional “just dance”  wii game. Once we finished taking our lessons, we performed our special skills according to our groups to the director, to see if our group made the cut. Unfortunately, none of us made it, since the director had standards different than ours to what creativity means. Overall the night was an experience we don’t want to forget, and we won’t, because of all the glitter that was stuck in our hair.

-        -  Hila Zohar
-  - Ronnie Baruch

- Noam Ginsburg                                                                                                     
