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Nitsanim vs. Bogrim

I have been coming to Machaneh Gilboa for a long time. It is my eighth year here and I am finally in the oldest kvutza. Being in the oldest kvutza means everyone looks up to us, whether they are a year younger or eight years younger, almost as if we were madrichim.

When I started coming to Gilboa I was about seven years old and only stayed for a few days, which were all fun and games. Every year I came back it slowly became more and more about learning about issues in our society. When I was in Amelim the social issues were mixed in with games and activities. As older chanichim we discus issues such as racism, sexism, Zionism and other topics.

Also, as Bogrim, we planned half a day for all the younger kids, which gave the whole kvutza a new-found sense of respect for the madrichim who work on preparing such programs every day.

As I am nearing the end of my last year as a chanich (camper), learning about leadership and responsibility, I realize how long I have gone and how much has changed. I also realize how much I love coming back to my second home - Gilboa.

 - Tamir Naim (Bogrim)
