It was great seeing all of you during Yom Gilboa. We had an amazing time, still have plenty of snacks and left-overs for tzevet, and are proud to announce that we raised a little more than a thousand dollars towards chanichim scholarships. Though that night was a little difficult for some of our chanichim whom experienced a bit of homesickness, we recovered the next day with a regular seder yom (daily schedule) in which we resumed our normal activities. Last night the tochnit erev was a Harrogate Fair (carnival themed) which was fun for everyone and filled with face painting, dancing, water games, night swimming, trivia stations, and sponge throwing. The addition of the Nitsanim has contributed a huge burst of energy to a suddenly smaller machaneh. Though they have a separate program, every moment shared with them and the rest of machaneh has been treasured, with every chanich smiling at how adorable they are (like today during hitkansut erev, when they finally perfected their Boot...