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An open letter to Camp Gilboa tzevet from a Camp Gilboa parent

Sunday, July 14, 2013
An open letter to Camp Gilboa tzevet from a Camp Gilboa parent after Visitors Day

I visited camp today, together with many more who came to see their sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, and even grandchildren. All anxious to see our Gilboa camper. We left them, two weeks ago, at the bus, or at the airplane gate, as they went to camp. We sent them away, on their own, with the sincere hope that they'll be well, happy, and find new friendships. We, as parents, deposited with you - camp Gilboa tzevet - the most precious asset, the most valuable treasure we have, and gave you our implied trust. We came to visit Camp Gilboa today.

What did we find?

We found groups of kids welcoming us at the gates, "Behold The Beauty" they shouted all at once.
Not realizing we were already watching it.

We found happy kids who created bonds and friendships that span age groups and geographies.

We founds kids who love and respect their madrichim, and are proud of them.
"Come over, I want to show you who my madrichim are", my child told me, and yanked my arm to follow him.

We found a culture of respect, of love, of playfulness;
Dancing Israeli folk dances; Playing at the gaga pit; rowing in a kayak, and getting wet...

We gave away, we deposited, our most cherished gift, and something beautiful happened. They told us 'behold the beautify' and we did. They were shouting their lungs out with congratulations to the kids who won the day's briut (health) competition. They hugged each other, all around in one great circle, like they do each and every day, and sang together.

It looks and feels like magic.
It has all the attributes of magic - something that you rarely see and is not easy to explain.

But, it's not magic. 'Love is in the air' - sang The Beatles, and this is 'Gilboa is in the air'.
Many years, many hours, and a lot of love and dedication given by the tzevet of madrichim, led by the mazkirut and our Rosh - Sarah; all of that together creates this magic.
You see the love and the dedication when they talk with one of the kids who is a little sad, just before the end of the day; when they jump up and down with endless energy to share their energy with their group, and with everyone; when they sing, dance, play, give a hug, say 'hi'.
All of that 'magic' is all thanks to these amazing young men and women, who dedicate their time and energies to Gilboa to the love of the Gilboa kids, Judaism, Zionism, pluralism, and life.

When "hitkansut erev" ended with a burst of energy from all sides, we all scattered, said our goodbyes to our kids, wiped a hidden tear, and drove away.

I didn't get a chance to say what I wanted and felt appropriate to the tzevet.
So, here it is: Thank you! Thank you for your love, your dedication, and the magic you bring to our children's lives.

Gilboa Parent
