It’s been an exciting week here at Machaneh Gilboa.
But it soon became clear that there was something amiss on this particular cruise ship. At lunch the ship’s crew showed fatigue and the burdens of their hard work under the rule of their overbearing captain. Suddenly, the ship was attacked by friendly pirates, who sought to show the passengers the true story of their lavish cruise. The pirates explained that the workers were forced to work for low pay and long hours without breaks. The cruise-goers also learned of the turmoil in the home countries of the crew members, which led them to join the crew of the ship in the first place.
In the end, it was a lesson of worker’s rights and how the youth can empower themselves to effect change in their immediate community. Of course, the day was not complete without Gilboa’s own “Human Battleship,” played with two teams, a separation wall, and water balloons.
Wednesday was a Yom Ragil (regular day), with all the usual exciting rock wall climbing, canoeing, swimming, singing, and educational activities. The camp picture was taken, which is always a fun event. Each chanich will receive a copy of it on their return home.
Tomorrow will surely be an enjoyable and restful Erev (night) Shabbat. The Bonim are due to put a creative and hilarious oneg (play) and the Shomrim will be performing the song at Kabbalat Shabbat.
We wish you Shabbat Shalom!!! Have a restful Sabbath and good weekend!!!
The scene at the pool party
Dodging a waterballoon in Human Battleship
Enjoying tropical juice at the pool.
More fun at the pool party.
The Machaneh Photo!!!