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End of Session 1 and Intersession

Well, first session is over and it flew by!

After Yom Meyuchad (Special Day) on Yom Shlishi (Tuesday), we had two
yamei ragil (regular days).  Celebration of Shabbat happened in the
Gilboa tradition.  However, the weekend was spiced up by Final Mesiba
(party) on Saturday evening.  The chadar ochel transformed into a
miniature county fair, filled with cotton candy, soda, ice cream
sundaes, and snowcones.  Inside the chadar ochel, chanichim were
dancing, sending notes of appreciation to one another, and having
their fortunes told.  Outside on the kadur af (volleyball court),
chanichim in socks jumped around on a moonbounce.  After the younger
chanichim went to bed, the older kids watched a late-night movie.

Tired and happy, the kids brought their bags down and gathered for the
last hitkansut boker (morning gathering) of the session.  This was
followed by breakfast and then by many tearful goodbye hugs.  The
first bus left with the chanichim traveling to the Ontario airport,
Irvine, and San Diego and then the second bus left for Los Angeles.

After the departure of the first session chanichim, intersession
began.  Intersession is the period of time between the end of first
session and the beginning of second session which is run by the
madatzim (counselors-in-training).  Although madrichim are around and
available to chanichim if needed, the madatzim run relaxing and fun
programming for the intersession chanichim.

We miss all the chanichim who left after first session, but everyone
here is excited for the imminent start of second session!

By the way, for those of you who are nostalgic for Visitors’ Day or
were not able to make it, feel free to check out the footage!

The pictures are here:

The videos are here:

Amelim - Yachad -

Bogrim - Lo Kala Darkenu -

Everyone - Haleluya -

Everyone - Shir LaShalom -

Bonim Song -

Bogrim Song -
