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Showing posts from June, 2016

Camp Gilboa 2016 - First Few Days

The first few days of summer 2016 at Machaneh Gilboa were incredibly full and active. The new basketball court was initiated and is getting much use.  New cheers for kvutzot (age groups) were written and practiced, the Hatzaga (skit) for the summer was launched (to much critical acclaim), and chanichim chose and started participating in their chuggim (electives) and Avoda (work) groups. Everyone has also been working on welcoming new chanichim and forming new friendships. Tochniot Erev (Evening Programs) Pirates  On Monday evening chanichim (campers) were taken aboard a pirate ship. They were welcomed into the pirate community by the Pirate King, who told them his tale regarding his stolen treasure and sent them on an adventure to find his loot. In different pirate teams, the kids engaged with fun activities, such as capture the f...