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Showing posts from August, 2015

Chotrim (7th graders) - Second Session Kvutza Process

This summer, the Chotrim went through an interesting process together. They were able to learn and grow together through different peulot (experiential group activities).  We started off by talking about the idea and importance of kvutza (age group within which the individuals grow and learn together, and support each other) and connected that to the idea of safe space and respect. The Chotrim were able to take ownership of their kvutza, as they deliberated and decided together how to spend their collective kupa money. They chose to go to Big Bear and eat pizza and ice cream before seeing the new movie Ant Man.  It was a day of fun and kvutza bonding.  Chotrim were also able to become a stronger kvutsa on tiyul (hike), where they had to work hard and support each other in order to finish. We hiked to Castle Rock and spent time climbing the rocks and then hiked down to Boulder Cay where they got to relax and swim before hiking back up to camp.  Overall...

Pupikim - First Ever at Gilboa

2015 marks a momentous year for Habonim Dror as it introduced the youth movement to a brand new kvutza, the likes of which has never been seen before. This was the Pupikim (bellybuttons or navels, in Hebrew), a kvutza of chanichim entering 4 th grade (whereas they had previously been included with the 5 th graders in Amelim).  Being Habonim Dror’s inaugural Pupikim, there comes the responsibility of creating a kvutza identity from scratch. This was a challenge that the Pupikim met head on. Though two members of the Kvutza of 15 had been to Gilboa before as Nitsanim in 3rd grade, this was a new experience for all of them. As such, they had many key aspects of Gilboa to familiarize themselves with. These topics manifested themselves during Peulot (discussion-based activities) and included what makes a Kvutza more than just an age group, an introduction to kupa (collective pooling of resources for intentional use by a group), what it means to be creative, and a geographic and...

Camp is over, but thinking about it doesn't end

Chug Rap and Hip Hop This year I decided to choose the Rap and Hip Hop Chug. Although it had hip-hop in the name, it was mainly focused on rap.  In the beginning we listened to old school rap by Slick Rick and others. Then, we went through the decades and dynasties of rap, starting from the late 80’s, where rap was a poem or a story with a beat, all the way to current rap with a story being told, some singing, many beats and generally more complex than old school.  We learned what it meant to be African-American or white in the game of rap. Also, what it means to be a man or a woman in rap. My favorite part was listening to various artists I had never heard of before, and writing my own raps. At the last Shabbat of first session we performed eight lines each.  Here is a piece of mine… Habonim Dror Camp Gilboa At this kosher camp there is no barbacoa Every day we have PISH with our kvutza Some might say we have a lot of chutzpa At chuggim we ...

Gilboa Photos

Sayarim on the Lake Revolution Monster Training Learning the Monster Dance Continuing Monster Instruction Shabbat Photos Poopikim and Amelim Replacing Mazkirut? Shabbat Chugim - MAGIC Shabbat Chugim - Mandala & Music Shabbat Chugim - Water Beads Science