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Showing posts from 2012

Day 4

Day 3 - Zman Israel and more

In “Zman Israel” yesterday, campers divided into two groups. The first group learned some great Israeli songs, while the other shared in a program about the Israeli election. After a brief explanation of how a parliamentary system works and an introduction to the Israeli political system, campers participated in an election game and learned more about the different political parties and their platforms. Campers realized how complicated the Israeli political system is, which fit perfectly with “Hamila shel Hayom” – the Hebrew word of the day:  Mevulbalim Gam Anachnu – Confused We Are Also. Chugim (interest groups) choices yesterday included Snowltimate Frisbee, Snarcore (Snow parkour), Secret Mission, Middle Eastern poetry, and a nature hike in which campers learned to use a guide to identify different trees. Today, after a lively Hitkansut Boker (morning gathering) where campers sang the cheers each kvutza (age group) wrote, we continued the camp-wide team strategy game “Mafia”...

More from first & second day in Machaneh Choref (Winter Camp) 2012

For the first time in many years the road was clear of snow. The buses arrived to camp earlier than expected, and we had more time to play in the snow and get to know each other in the kvutzot (age groups), as well as a whole machaneh. After lunch, planned activities started with a round robin to familiarize ourselves with camp boundaries and camp rules, a visit to the Marp (health center) to meet our medic, Evan, and an introduction to Mt. Chai’s staff. Chugim (interest groups) followed. Campers got to choose between “Secret Mission”, an activity that continued yesterday and resulted in a flash mob dance during dinner, Melechet-Yad (arts and crafts), origami, “Chugs and Kisses” – where kids talked about love and kindness, and got to put their thoughts into action by bringing hot cocoa to the younger kids. In Tochnit-Erev (evening program) we played a “Meet the Madrichim’s Condiments Game” to get to know the madrichim (counselors) and the different flavors that make up Gilboa. ...

Winter Camp 2012 - day 1

Lots of snow welcomed everyone to camp. Chanichim (campers) spent first day with their madrichim (counselors) and their kvutza (group). Tradionally, first thing in the morning of the real first day in camp, we take an all camp picture. (Due to some technical challenges we have only one picture here, but we promise to send some more very soon...

Fall Newsletter

Having trouble viewing this email? Click here         What Gilboa Means To Me Isaiah Beenhouwer - Sayarim (6th Grade)   I went to Gilboa for the first time last summer and ...