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Showing posts from December, 2011

Shabbat and Final Messibah

Last night the Bogrim (10th graders) led machaneh in lighting the Hanukah candles and kabbalat Shabbat. Together we said the brachot and the Bogrim discussed the candles as being representative of the things that keep us warm in our day-to-day. Each boger/et explained what keeps them warm in their lives. After dinner we all stood up and packed together for Shabbat shira (singing) to sing Shabbat songs, Israeli songs, and American folk songs. Shira was loud, fun, and bursting with energy. The energy continued on to rikkud (Israeli dancing) as all of machaneh, young and old, gathered to dance traditional and new rikkud dances together. Today has been a great and relaxing Shabbat complete with all of the events that make Shabbat at machaneh so unique and meaningful. We had chugim retzinim (discussion groups) on a variety of topics such as creative writing, American Zionism, and the Jewish and Israeli communities in the US, their connection to Israel, and how important it is to create a m...

Antiochus, Kangaroos, and Snoccer!

During a Hanukah themed yom meyuchad (special day) yesterday, chanichim (campers) at Gilboa learned from some of history’s greatest non-violent leaders to successfully overthrow the invading Greeks! After their victory chanichim met in a “kangaroo court” and put King Antiochus on trial. The king was convicted of multiple counts of theft, perjury, and crimes against the Jewish people and was sentenced to being covered in toilet paper, splashed with water, and having pudding smeared all over her face. Having successfully completed their fight for freedom the chanichim were given the opportunity to accuse, try, and punish any madrichim for any other injustices. The night was full of pudding, water-splashing, funny accusations, and laughter. Finally, we finished the night with BoSho group lighting the Hanukah candles with the rest of machaneh. Today has been a beautiful day with lots of snow and more sun! After avodah (work) and breakfast all of machaneh met and broke into teams for ...

Celebrating Hanukah Gilboa-Style

Machaneh has been beautiful and sunny with plenty of snow for sledding and snow balls. Over the past day we have been doing many interesting and exciting activities based around the Hanukah story and traditions. Yesterday all of machaneh came together for a fun holiday carnival that wound up leading to a conversation about the role of Jewish traditions in our lives and the expression of these traditions in our home communities. After the activity we all regrouped to light the Hanukah candles, this time led by the Chotrim (7th graders) and followed by a long list of festive Hanukah songs. After dinner, chanichim had a relaxing evening watching a movie together. Today chanichim went on an investigation to discover what freedom can look like in their day-to-day lives, and the power they have to be who they want to be. Following this activity machaneh was taken over by the Greeks! Having being denied their right to practice their religion and live by their heritage the chanichi...

Winter Camp 2011

Hanukah and Beautiful Sunny (and snowy) Days!

Machaneh Choref (winter camp) started with a bang! After spending yesterday afternoon getting situated and moving in to our tzrifim (cabins) we gathered together to celebrate the first night of Hanukah. Earlier in the day everyone worked together to create a beautiful hanukiah. Throughout Hanukah each kvutza (age-group) will get a night to light the candles for the rest of machaneh.  Last night Sayalim led us in the candle lighting, prayers, and Hanukah songs. After dinner all of machaneh came together to meet the madrichim (counselors) in a fun and energetic game-show-themed activity. After being welcomed to the “studio audience” by our three enthusiastic hosts, chanichim (campers) took turns identifying funny facts about their madrichim. Chanichim were presented with two facts about an anonymous madrich. Kvutzot were then challenged to identify which madrich wrote the facts and which one was a lie. Correct answers won candy for everyone and breakout dance parties ...

Winter Camp 2011 Started !

Shalom Everyone, We had a packed first day at camp, and we'll be writing more about it tomorrow. Meanwhile, here are some photos from our first evening together at camp, and our first night of Chanukah together. The Mighty Chotrim Sayalim singing Sayalim light home made Chanukiya