This weekend was our final Shabbat of Gilboa 2010. Things got rolling on Friday with our usual Shabbat celebration: a procession to the migrash sport, a song from the shomrim, a story from Kara and finally "Hachama Merosh" – a song welcoming the Sabbath queen – as we faced the setting sun. Saturday each kvutza got together for their final meeting of the summer. In the evening we had what may be Gilboa's longest ever Medura – our time for skits, songs, and other performances in front of the campfire. Groups of campers stepped forward, one after the other, singing and acting until it was time to go to our final mesiba – the party at the end of the summer. The chadar ochel became a packed dance hall, with moon bounces, fortune telling, and ice cream sundaes offering diversions. Sunday morning the chanichim jumped on their buses and headed home amid hugs, songs, and some tears. Thankfully there is always the ken – our year-round activities – to reunite us with each other. ...