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More from first & second day in Machaneh Choref (Winter Camp) 2012

For the first time in many years the road was clear of snow. The buses arrived to camp earlier than expected, and we had more time to play in the snow and get to know each other in the kvutzot (age groups), as well as a whole machaneh. After lunch, planned activities started with a round robin to familiarize ourselves with camp boundaries and camp rules, a visit to the Marp (health center) to meet our medic, Evan, and an introduction to Mt. Chai’s staff.

Chugim (interest groups) followed. Campers got to choose between “Secret Mission”, an activity that continued yesterday and resulted in a flash mob dance during dinner, Melechet-Yad (arts and crafts), origami, “Chugs and Kisses” – where kids talked about love and kindness, and got to put their thoughts into action by bringing hot cocoa to the younger kids.

In Tochnit-Erev (evening program) we played a “Meet the Madrichim’s Condiments Game” to get to know the madrichim (counselors) and the different flavors that make up Gilboa.  We divided into groups and went on an adventure where through various challenges campers learned different facts about madrichim and had to match the fact to the madrich.

Today started with Avodah (work). At Gilboa we encourage campers to feel ownership of their community and physical space by taking responsibility for them. We start every day with a period of work that contributes to the community and empowers campers to be active participants. During winter camp campers will get the chance to work at toranut (set up breakfast), clear snow from paths, and create snowflakes for Sandy Hook Elementary School.

Morning exercise lead by our Bogrim (9th and 10th graders) was super fun, energetic and well-planned. Peulat Shichva (activity by age group) followed. This winter camp, these activities, as well as our camp-wide ones, focus on the subject “The Power Is Yours”. Amelim (our youngest group), for example, built a snow fortress together and had to defend it from invaders, experiencing the power and strength that result from working together as a group. In the next few days our activities will look into what has power over us, what we have power over in our own lives, and will culminate with “the power of community” – what can be achieved when we work together.

Zman-Sheleg (snow time) followed and was especially active today. It included “Capture the Flag in the Snow”, sledding, snowball fights and snowmen building.
More blog posts later today, where will share more about Zman Israel, last night’s evening program, and today’s yom meyuchad (special day).
