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Celebrating First Shabat at Camp

Celebrating our first Shabat at camp was a wonderful and joyous experience, that started early Friday by preparing Kishooting (ornaments) for Shabat.

Our tzevet mitbach (kitchen crew) is also getting ready for Shabat

In the afternoon, after cleaning the tzrifim (cabins), everyone dressed for Shabat, and got ready to accept Shabat. But just before doing that, we took our a picture of each of our Shchavot (age groups)

Sayalim = Sayarim + Amelim


BoSho = Bonim + Shomrim



... and we should not forget our lovely Mazkirut:

We were now ready... hand in hand, we started walking thru the trees towards our lake...

... and we finally arrived to the shore of the lake, just before sunset, ready to watch it as it brings the Shabat with it.

What a magical moment...

After Shabat dinner, we celebrated with singing and dancing

Shabat Shalom !
