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Shabbat at Gilboa, and Yom Mondial (World Cup Day)

Gilboa celebrated our first Shabbat of the summer! On Friday afternoon, all the chanichim showered, dressed up for Shabbat, and cleaned their tzrifim (the two cleanest tzrifim were awarded the Matate haZahav (The Golden Broom), and Matate Hakesef (The Silver Broom) awards. During Kabbalat Shabbat, the Bogrim sang "Seasons of Love" before heading up to a matzo-ball soup and chicken - or tofu - dinner. After dinner, the chanichim enjoyed a spirited Shabbat shira (singing), an oneg Shabbat (a short performance) performed by the Madatz, and hours of rikudei am (Israeli folk dancing).

On Saturday, Gilboa has a late kima (wake up). However, many chanichim woke up early to play gaga. After some meditation and innovative torah study, the chanichim began a day of relaxing activities, including musicale (a low-key time for music and poetry), havdallah, and medura (songs, dances, or skits in front of the campfire).

Sunday started as a regular day, but at lunch the day broke into World Cup fever! Yom Mondial! The chanichim split into two teams - Spain and the Netherlands - and dressed up in the colors of their team. All afternoon they created cheers and practiced their soccer skills for the upcoming game! A little rain only added to the intensity of the activity as the chanichim practiced headers and fake falls, and played a semi-final match against Germany. Following a shower, the chanichim cheered for their team as they watched the World Cup final projected in the chadar ochel (dining hall). After dinner (with Gatorade), the chanichim played a World Cup trivia game before a funnel cake snack, and as usual, before going to bed, sang Rad Hayom.
