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Final day at Machaneh Choref… time flies when you’re having fun! Today has been crazy fun, starting with a nice sleep in after an intense day yesterday. A bunch of younger chanichim were in the chadar ochel starting pretty early, as usual, playing games, guitar, and munching on a yummy breakfast of bagels, cereal, and fruit salad. Once everyone joined us, Bogrim led some stretches in Hitamlut Boker, followed by Chugim and Peula Shikvah (PISH). We’ve had some packing and cleaning time, and boy are we impressed by your kids! They really know how to step up for the collective.

These five days have been jam packed with lots of Kef (fun) and Chinuch (education), largely based on our theme of ‘Lihiot Hashinui – Be The Change.’ Today we rounded-out this process with a peula called Be The Carrot; you can ask your kids for the explanation- it’s hard to put on paper to say the least. In the end, however, we all met the Carrot Guru who explained that all change, social, personal, political, has been made possible because of individuals and communities like ours. Essentially, we have the power to create any change we believe in, and we can Be the Change we Wish to See in the World!

An Israel highlight: Zman Shaliach!

For those of you who don’t know our Shaliach, (Israeli emissary), his name is Achiya Schatz, and he came to work with us in September al the way from Israel full of awesome ideas, inspiration, and love. The first peula Achiya ran for our older chanichim focused on the Israeli Army, debating the pros and cons of this romanticized entity. They discussed the that the army comes from a place of necessity not choice, and related the intensive army experience to that of kvutsah.

For Chotrim and Shomrim Achiya also related the army to kvutsah experiences, focusing on the importance of challenging scenarios in building kvutsah dynamic. Amelim explored places in Israel, discussing their personal connections in order to understand why and how Israel is important to them.

Tonight we have Meducal which is a time for everyone and anyone to perform songs, skits, poems and the like, a long-time tradition at Gilboa. Afterwards, final Messibah (party) will be rockin with music, games, karaoke, snow cones, and more. As sad as we all are that Machaneh is coming to a close, we’re also aware that this has been a magical and empowering experience.

Aleh v’Hagshem!

“Machaneh Choref has become an incredibly important part of Gilboa’s growth and culture, and this year that is especially true. Everything that we’ve wanted to accomplish has been.” Howie Stanger, 17, First-year Madrich.
